Therapeutic Recreation & Aquatic Program – Medicine Hat

Offers various group programming opportunities for individuals who experience recreation and leisure barriers. Helps people with physical, social,…

Social Work Services – AHS

Provides psychosocial service, support, and resource information for people in hospital, outpatient programs, and some community care and…

Protection for Persons in Care

The Protection for Persons in Care Act (PPC Act) requires the reporting of abuse and promotes the prevention…

REDI Enterprises

Located in Medicine Hat, REDI exists to assist individuals to attain respect, opportunity, and responsibility. We value reciprocal…

Richmond Diagnostic Treatment Centre

Located in Calgary, AB. Grief Support Program Provides support for people coping with the death of a loved…

Saamis Immigration Services Association

Saamis Immigration Services Association (SISA) includes ongoing programs and services that assist in the resettlement and integration of newly…

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army offers practical assistance for children and families, often tending to the basic necessities of life,…

Schizophrenia Society of Alberta

Support Group​ Working towards improving the quality of life for those affected by schizophrenia and psychosis. Family members…

Sexual and Reproductive Health – AHS Community Health

​Counseling and Information Services, Health Promotion and Education Services, Clinical Services. Some services are by appointment (physician and…

Sexual Assault Crisis Line

Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1-877-237-5888

Sanare Centre – (formerly SARC)

We are a service provider to promote healing within sexual abuse victims. Nobody who experiences sexual, domestic or…

Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

​Provides decision-making mechanisms for individuals who are unable to make personal, non-financial decisions for themselves. Through the Personal…

Pain Management Clinic – Medicine Hat

​Located in the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital For physicians wanting to refer patients, please use the referral package…

Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) helps adults with developmental disabilities get services to live as independently as possible…

Narcotics Anonymous (Chinook Area)

​Membership is open to all drug addicts, regardless of the particular drug or combination of drugs used. Narcotics…