Gone Too Soon: Navigating Grief and Loss as a Result of Substance Use Handbook

​The handbook provides practical information for individuals and families who have experienced the death of a loved one…

GriefShare Support Group – Medicine Hat

GriefShare is open to those who have experienced loss “due to the death of a loved one” (not…

Grocery Delivery Services – Medicine Hat

​Grocery Delivery & Pick-Up Services in Medicine Hat: Co-op: visit https://www.shop.crs/ or call 403-528-6603 to submit your grocery…

Transit – Brooks

​Door-to-door wheelchair accessible service for seniors and people with disabilities. All persons utilizing the Handibus must complete an…

Happiness Basics Class

For patients who want to learn skills to increase their happiness and well-being. For more information or to…

Health Link

A telephone service, which provides free 24/7 nurse advice and general health information for Albertans. Health Link provides…

Diagnostic Imaging Services (Alberta Health Services)

Services Available: ​Big Country Hospital (Oyen)Phone: 403-664-4311Fax: 403-664-4326 Bow Island Health CentrePhone: 403-545-3209Fax: 403-545-2281 Brooks Health CentrePhone: 403-501-3218Fax:…

Distress Centre (Calgary)

​The Distress Centre is a non-profit social agency that delivers 24-hour support, free crisis counselling and resources referral…

Extended Family Services

​Non-medical companion & support care services. Services can be accessed In-Home, in Supported Living/Long Term Care, or temporarily…

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Assessment & Diagnostic Clinics

Across the province, there are a number of assessment and diagnostic clinics available for individuals who are seeking…


Emergency Services Medicine Hat Police Service: 403-529-8400 Brooks Detachment: 403-794-4400 Oyen Detachment: 403-664-3505 Bassano Detachment: 403-641-3684

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

​Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have experienced difficulties in…

Community Food Banks

Community Food Banks works collaboratively in their communities and surrounding areas to ensure an adequate and accessible food…

DBT – Dialectical Behavior Therapy Support Group

This group is now offered via ZOOM. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is used to help individuals validate their present…

Child Abuse Hotline

Call 911 if you or the person you are reporting is in immediate danger. Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-387-5437…