Services available:
- Activities for children, tweens, teens and adults
- Co-op Community Developmental Play Space
- Meeting Room Rentals
- Photocopy/Fax
- Technology & device assistance
- Mobile Printing
- Resources for Newcomers to Canada
- Homebound services
- …….much much more!
Homebound Services
Unable to come to the Library due to physical or health restrictions? We’ll come to you! Homebound Services links volunteers with clients to ensure that everyone has library access. Clients can use homebound services either indefinitely or on a short-term basis.
Our Homebound Services Program uses volunteers to deliver books and provide a voluntary reader service to extended care facilities, where volunteers read to patients. In addition, this service provides deposit collections for nursing and long-term care homes within Medicine Hat.
For more information or to become a Homebound Services volunteer, call 403-502-8541.
Additional Phone Numbers:
403-502-8525 (Adult Services / Information)
403-502-8526 (Children’s Services)
403-502-8538 (Reference Services)
403-502-8527 or e-mail (Room Rental Bookings)
403-502-8527 (Administration)