Next Step Residential

At Next Step, we provide a full line of services to assist people with disabilities. Supportive independent living….

Nutrition Counselling (Dietician) – Brooks

​Outpatient Nutrition Counselling through Alberta Healthy Living Program – Work with a Registered Dietitian to improve eating habits…

Occupational Therapy – Adult Community & Outpatient

Assists people of all ages recovering from illnesses or injuries to learn or relearn the skills they need…

Medicine Hat Bariatric Specialty Clinic

​This clinic provides medical, psychological, and surgical interventions for weight management and improving health. Support is provided to…

Medicine Hat Physiotherapy Clinic

We proudly offer one-to-one individualized Physiotherapy sessions. We don’t compromise on treatment with an appointment time. We call…

Medicine Hat Public Library & Homebound Services

Services available: Activities for children, tweens, teens and adults Co-op Community Developmental Play Space Meeting Room Rentals Photocopy/Fax…

Medical Examination for Motor Vehicle Operations

Having a medical condition does not necessarily mean your driving will be restricted. The type of illness, treatment,…

Home Care Services (Alberta Health Services)

Provides support for people with medical needs including activities of daily living so they can live in their…

Inform Alberta

​Searchable database of local and provincial programs and services

Kinesis Physical Medicine & EMG – Calgary

​Kinesis is a specialty medical clinic in Calgary founded by a group of physiatrists. Physiatrists are specialists in…

Grocery Delivery Services – Medicine Hat

​Grocery Delivery & Pick-Up Services in Medicine Hat: Co-op: visit or call 403-528-6603 to submit your grocery…

Transit – Brooks

​Door-to-door wheelchair accessible service for seniors and people with disabilities. All persons utilizing the Handibus must complete an…

Health Link

A telephone service, which provides free 24/7 nurse advice and general health information for Albertans. Health Link provides…

Healthy Eating Resources (AHS)

​These resources provide individuals, parents, families, child cares, schools and workplaces more guidance on healthy eating.

Diagnostic Imaging Services (Alberta Health Services)

Services Available: ​Big Country Hospital (Oyen)Phone: 403-664-4311Fax: 403-664-4326 Bow Island Health CentrePhone: 403-545-3209Fax: 403-545-2281 Brooks Health CentrePhone: 403-501-3218Fax:…