Supports individuals with concerns in the areas of speech, language, reading, writing, voice disorders, stuttering and feeding/swallowing disorders.
Anyone can refer (community member or family member) for outpatient programs and swallowing concerns including bedside swallowing screenings at the hospital or mealtime observations in the office or home to assess feeding and swallowing.
Call for an appointment:
Medicine Hat Regional Hospital (Ph) 403-528-8175 (Fx) 403-528-8190
Bow Island Provincial Building (Ph) 403-545-5123 (Fx) 403-545-6357
Brooks Community Health Centre (Ph) 403-501-3308 (Fx) 403-501-3202
Oyen (based out of Medicine Hat Regional Hospital) (Ph) 403-528-8175 (Fx) 403-528-8190

Speech, Language and Hearing Services Community Referral Form
306 KB, pdf