HEAL: Recovering from Eating Disorders Together is a 10-week family-based group that has been designed to support youth between the ages of 14 and 17 years old who are struggling with an eating disorder.
HEALing Together Parent Group Series will be offered this spring (see attachment). This four week series will inform caregivers about the intricacies and complexities of eating disorders and their role in their loved one’s recovery.
Families can set up a complimentary 15-minute telephone consultation to ensure the HEAL: Recovering from Eating Disorders Together Group will meet their needs. Investment can be discussed during the consultation as well.
Direct billing is available through Alberta Blue Cross, Green Sheild, Telus E Claims, and Sun Life. Please ensure that your insurance provider covers services offered by Social Workers. I hold a Masters of Social Work Degree with a clinical specialization and am registered through the Alberta College of Social Workers.
Contact Shannon Martin Counselling Services for more information.
Phone: 403-487-0100
Email: shannon@martincounselling.ca
Website: www.martincounselling.ca
Social Media: @aspoonfullofsugarwithshannon_