Access Addictions & Mental Health (Intake & Triage)

Access Addictions & Mental Health (AAMH) is an access point for non-urgent addiction and mental health (AMH) information…

Our Collective Journey

Mission: We enable optimal mental well-being for functioning, at-risk Albertans using customized, evidence-based resiliency and personalized recovery coaching…

Southern Alberta Intergroup – Overeaters Anonymous

Is your overwhelming you? Do your binge, purge, restrict or obsess about food and weight? You are not…

Counselling & Therapy Services in Medicine Hat and Area

Adults, Couples, Families, Children, Youth & Teens Fee for Service Resources

HEAL: Recovering from Eating Disorders Together

HEAL: Recovering from Eating Disorders Together is a 10-week family-based group that has been designed to support youth…

Caregivers Alberta

Do you assist a family member or friend with challenges resulting from illness, disability or aging? We’re here…

Medicine Hat Family Services Courage to Change Support Group

Free 8-10 week group for men. Allows men to explore factors contributing to intimate partner violence and abuse….

Men’s Support Group – Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter

Free ongoing, drop-in support group for men (18+) who have experienced historical/current family violence. Topics include: Navigating Legal…

Connect Parent Group

Connect is a 10-week program to support parents of youth (ages 8-18 years). Parents meet in groups of…

TrueNTH Lifestyle Management

​A website and online portal ( has been developed which offers Physical Activity, Stress-Reduction, and Nutrition Programs and…

United Way

United Way is a federated network of over 80 local United Way Centraide offices serving more than 5,000…

WellSpring Alberta

Our Mission: Wellspring Alberta is a warm and welcoming community that provides a comprehensive range of support, resources…

The Caregiver’s Lighthouse

Lorna Scott offers expertise as a coach and counselor for families during a time of caregiving. She offers…

Sanare Centre – (formerly SARC)

We are a service provider to promote healing within sexual abuse victims. Nobody who experiences sexual, domestic or…

Prostate Cancer Support Group – Medicine Hat

​A local community-based Prostate Cancer Canada (PCC) Support group that offers support along with friendship and will provide…