City of Medicine Hat Special Transit

Available for persons who, due to a physical and/or mental disability, can not use the regular public transit system. Must qualify through a functional assessment and have previously registered with Transit.

Fax registration form to 403-529-8214, email to or drop off in person at our office: 460 Spencer Street SE, Medicine Hat, AB

To apply for Special Transit, please visit:

The fair entry program allows qualified applicant to receive up to 75% off special transit pricing. Fair entry applications can be picked up at several City of Medicine Hat locations including transit drivers, Big Marble Go Center, City Hall, they must be returned to Big Marble Go Center for approval.

Wheelchairs accessing special transit must have a seat belt and foot pedals. Transit needs the measurements for any oversized wheelchairs.

For more information or to make a special transit booking call 403-529-8214, ext 2.